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Shop | Signing Baby

Imagine if your baby could tell you when they are hungry, thirsty, cold, or tired? Signing with your baby reduces the frustration caused by lack of understanding and poor communication between you and your baby. 

Why should you sign with your baby?

• Signing will help your baby or toddler develop language skills and increase their vocabulary.

• Research indicates that signing babies score higher on intelligence tests, understand more words, have larger vocabularies, and engage in more sophisticated play.

• Signing helps you avoid unnecessary crying and frustration. 

• Signing is beneficial for all children, including children with learning or developmental delays. 

• The scientific community is placing increasing emphasis on emotional IQ. It is during the first three crucial years that your baby learns what to expect from the world and how the world responds to them. The importance and satisfaction of being able to communicate your baby’s needs, joys, fears, and to have them understood should not be underestimated.

• Signing shows you that your baby is already pretty smart, and wants to interact with you on a more meaningful level.

• Signing is a wonderful way to bond with your baby as you learn more about their personality, before they learn to speak. 

Babies observe and notice so much of the world around them. From six months old, babies know when they are hungry, cold, tired, or want to play with a specific toy. Just because your baby is not yet able to say a particular word, does not mean they don’t yet understand it.  

How often has your baby cried for what appears to be no reason, but stops the minute you hand them a favourite toy? Or realise they have a fever? Imagine if your baby could tell you that they were feeling unwell, or was tired and needed to sleep? Signing Baby will teach you how to communicate with your baby in sign language, because the pathways and physiological development between their brain and hands develops faster than that between their brain and mouth.

• Is your baby 6 months old?

• Is your baby trying to point?

• Is your baby bringing objects to you and looking for a response?

• Is your baby beginning to wave hello or goodbye?

• Is your baby nodding or shaking their head?

• Is your baby beginning to look at pictures?

• Is your baby becoming frustrated when they are unable to express their needs?

For the special launch price of R450, you will receive an eBook, delivered upon receipt of payment. Our Signing Baby eBook includes: 

• The history of baby signing.

• The benefits of baby signing.

• How to sign with your baby.

• Techniques and tips to sign with your baby more effectively. 

• An illustrated signing dictionary, containing 100 signs. 

• Printable themed posters.

• Exclusive membership to a private Facebook community for support and assistance on your signing journey. This is a  wonderful place to show off your clever child’s signs, ask questions, and connect with other signing parents. 

• For every eBook purchased, we will donate 5% of the profits to an underprivileged special needs facility, to enable care givers and facilitators to teach sign language to the children in their care who need it most, 

• You can sponsor a Signing Baby book (hard copy) to a special school/hospital/care facility/children’s home of your choice for only R150.

If they subscribe to our mailing list they will receive three free signs! 


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