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Getting Creative During Lockdown

Author: Lindall Atkins

Lockdown has been tough, but you don't need me to tell you that. We've all been feeling it. We may not all be in the same boat, but we're all weathering the same storm. 

My Lockdown has been filled with the chaos of keeping a 3 year old happy, healthy and not breaking down the house. All this, while my husband, who is an essential worker is gone for most of the day. It's been a strange new world for me. I've been unable to work, since the industry I work in is not operating during this phase of the Lockdown. It's meant that I've been thrust into the world of full time stay at home mom, teacher, housekeeper, cook and so many other titles I wasn't prepared for. All the while worrying about finances, Xavier's education, is she lonely? is she ok? are we ok? It's a river of negativity and worry I'll drown in if I let myself walk in too deep. So everyday I choose to focus on my blessings. The fact that I can be home for my daughter, while my husband works and that I now spend so much more quality time with my family than I ever did before. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be creative.

Through all this my creativity has kept me sane. It has allowed me the ability to work on projects that have been sitting on my to do list for the longest time. It hasn't always been easy to find the time. Sometimes I would stay up a little later or wake up a little earlier, but getting creative has not only let me take a minute for myself to work on something that brings me joy, but has also acted as a great distraction from the noise of negativity in the world right now. It has brought me peace, a kind of metal self care that I desperately needed. A lot of the projects I've worked on over the last few weeks have been focused on bringing joy to my surroundings, be it in the anesthetics of my home or in my daughter's eyes when I make something just for her.

Here are some of the ways I've gotten creative during Lockdown and you can too!

Use what you have

I challenged myself to get more organized this year and I didn't want Lockdown to stop me from that goal. So I had to get creative and think of new ways to use what I had to make that happen. I made the most beautiful containers from old cardboard boxes and I even used some cardboard as draw dividers. I labeled my daughter's toy boxes and draws with pictures and words and her closet has never looked this good.

Creative ways to keep them learning

A great way to get creative is to create learning materials and activities to help your kids learn. This could be as simple as cutting out different shapes in various sizes and having your child identify all the circles for example or a little bit more difficult like a obsticle maze in the back yard. I've made animal flash cards, which can be used in so many ways as well as counting cards. I've also made some pretend play sets, like a travel playset (there's a free download of this on my blog) and a doctors playset, to spark topics I want to talk about. We've done painting, and messy play. We made puppets on pegs and endless glitter artworks. There are so many ways to get creative when it comes to learning!

Just for fun

Some creative projects I've done has just been for the pure joy on my daughter's face. I gave her dollhouse a modern makeover and even made a tiny suitcase dollhouse. I made a few puppets and my daughter has loved playing with them and making up stories. Every now and then, and especially if there's cake, I'll take out a little party set I made and we'll put up the bunting, and get dressed up and have a little party for two. Just because it's fun.

Home Sweet Home

There's something beautiful about having someone admire something in your home and realizing that you made it. I've done a lot of diy projects around the house, from turning Xavier's old cot mattresses into a couch, to making a dressing table for our guest bedroom. I took up sewing last year and I've enjoyed getting in some much needed practice by sewing, pillows, masks and mask accessories.

My creative projects have kept me busy but filled with such a sense of accomplishment and pride. They have made my daughter so happy in a time when she doesn't understand why her Ma can't come over or why she can't see her friends. Getting creative has helped make my house a home and has kept me smiling

We all have different hobbies, talents or things that bring us joy. Your interests may lie in baking, cooking, knitting, sewing, diy, art, fashion, makeup, hair, graphic design, writing, photography or even something eles. Get creative, do a little something that brings you happiness. Learn a new skill or dust off an old one. 

It's time to get creative. 



Hi there, I'm Lindall from Nwabisa's Little Things. I got my Xhosa name Nwabisa while doing community development work in rural villages in the Eastern Cape. It means someone who is happy and makes others happy. I'm a mom to my beautiful, spirited daughter, Xavier. I love to craft, create and blog and I hope the things I make, creations that bring me happiness, bring a little happiness and joy into others lives as well. 

You can follow Lindall on Instagram or on her blog

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