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Health tips for daily coping during lockdown

By Ashleigh Human

How are you mommas taking care of your mental health during this lockdown? If you’re experiencing a rollercoaster of feelings, you are not alone!

I am going between appreciation for new found time with my children and the thrill of making pasta from scratch for the first time, to having moments where I hit breaking point and feeling like this situation is suffocating and all-consuming. I find myself longing for my daily mundane routine, the things that were far from special but were my reality and that actually contributed to my sanity! The trips to the grocery store, the daily school drop off, the times I would sit at my favourite coffee shop and get through my emails and essential work for the day.

But there have been a few things that have helped save my sanity, which I have listed below! It’s as if they trick my mind into feeling that we have some of our old realities back. There are bad days in between, but the days I muster the strength to implement these tips always make for a much better day!

Health tips for daily coping during lockdown:

My number one goal for each day is: Getting dressed!

It is an instant mood changer. It doesn’t mean getting dolled up and putting on my best. But just getting out of my pjs and freshening up, taking 10 minutes to put myself together, gets me into a significantly better headspace. And some days I add some hoop earrings just to take it to the next level!

Staying hydrated!

So simple, and yet this is a tough one because I find myself reaching for the next cup of coffee when I hit a wall in the day. But often I realise It’s lunchtime and I haven’t yet had a sip of water! On the other hand, the days that I stay hydrated are days where I feel less lethargic and my mind feels more refreshed.

Sticking to mealtimes!

This contributes a lot towards mindful eating. It’s ok to be so emotional right now that we turn to food for comfort. Don’t fight that. But I find myself constantly thinking about food or snacks. I’ve realized it helps so much to get my mind off food when I stick to the clock. By having breakfast ready so that we are eating together at the table at 8, or waiting for 10.30 to have my cup of tea and a muffin, etc., I feel I have way more structure to my day and I find myself less obsessed with my next trip to the fridge.

20mins Outside!

I try to Spend at least 20 mins outside everyday. On good days we go outside every few hours. That fresh air and sunshine can sometimes be enough to change my entire mood for the day.


I’ve made it a goal to check in with one friend every single day. Face to face contact, on zoom or video call , has been my saving grace. For your special people to look into your eyes and tell you it’s going to be ok, and that you are strong. To look into their eyes and reassure them that ,”you’ve got this!”. It’s priceless. It’s been a life saver.

And my ultimate sanity saver, and best way to protect my mental health: Set times where I check my phone, but otherwise keep it out of sight!

With what we are facing at the moment, there is so much out there that is triggering my fears and anxiety. On my bad days where I’ve hit the lowest lows and suffered panic attacks, are the day where I was too absorbed in what’s going on around us. So this mental break can not be underestimated. It immediately helps me disconnect from the stress and noise and helps me focus on making some good memories for the day.

So moms, wherever you are on the rollercoaster ride today, know:

You are not alone.

Know that your mental health is important, and if you can, try out these tips. They have got me through the darkest days in the past, and now they are once again helping to keep my head above water. And just remember, that one day at a time, we are closer to freedom and closer to moving forward.

Kind regards,

Ashleigh Human


Ashleigh Human is a mom of two, is passionate about family wellness, and physical and mental health support. You can follow her on her beautiful Instagram by clicking here.

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