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Ronel Goncalves
Sep 22, 2019
In Teens
When did my sweet cuddly baby boy become a 'monster' preteen? I was his favourite person, his go-to person and I was the cool play-date Mommy who arranged fun and giggles all the time! Than before I was ready he become this grumpy, leave-me-alone 'almost' teen boy and to add more emotional pain to this sad Mamma-bear we now do not do play-dates anymore!... as the kiddos act all cool now and do not play with toys in front of their friends! I find myself looking through baby photos crying, smelling his hair when he gives me a hug out of the blue and hoping I did all I could throughout the stages and pray I didn't miss anything important. But as hard as it is for me it’s even harder for him... I gave one of my famous long speeches the other day on how he will respect me and be responsible at home, than he cried and sat in his room for over an hour. And then when he was ready he come out apologised, hugged me and then my heart broke he told he doesn't know why he is angry and why his brain is feeling all confused!!! I forgot what that age was like! My poor baby boy still needs me, but Mamma-bear needs to find a preteen way to help and to communicate with him in a way that works for him. My baby boy is like me and I need to remember this, we both very sensitive, introverts and feel deep emotions and I was all upset and forgot this must be hard for him also...Or I could start a "cool" YouTube channel, than he might think I am cool and funny again! So for now I am accepting any free hugs that come my way, organising an entertainment area where the cool kids can hang out and taking deep breaths. This is new for all of us and together as a family we will work through it. And with these deep breaths I am getting ready for the teen years and my daughters preteen days.... wish me luck as my princess is my harder child. So if you know a Mommy who has a preteen ask her how she is doing, she might need a little extra support or wine.💕
Preteen! I was not ready for this milestone! content media

Ronel Goncalves

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