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9 tips to increase your milk supply

I’ve been going away a lot (to weddings, and bachelorettes etc.) and so I came back in a complete state. I was exclusively breast feeding, and now I was needing to do formula top-up’s because Livvy was still hungry post a feed. Just when I thought I got this breast feeding thing waxed, it showed me who is boss again. Breast feeding is HARD, and it’s something I never imagined to be challenging pre-babies.

I don’t mind formula top-up’s or formula, but it’s a whole new ball game sterilizing bottles and taking bottles and formula out — and while really not hard, I needed to prepare for this if this was going to be the case. I also feel like the more formula topping up I do, the slipperier the breast feeding slope gets. Plus, Livvy loves the bottle because, well, it’s easier!

I’ve tried a few of my own things, and also other things that were recommended to me. So, here’s the full low down of HOW TO FEEL LIKE AN EFFICIENT DAIRY COW in a summary —


I can’t recommend these lactation bars enough! After receiving these, it’s like everything just fell into place. I wanted to wait and try them to give my honest feedback to you, and I can honestly say – they work! They designed utilising a wholesome range of tasty ingredients, that will help one power up their energy, enhance their mood, and substantially increase their MILK supply. They have galactagogues, selected food groups, as well as trusted traditional herbs, rolled up into the most delicious granola bar that has dark cocoa drizzled on top.

The main ingredients include rolled oats, ground flax (Omega 3’s), brewers yeast (galactagogue, vitamin B & protein) and fenugreek (most popular lactation herb).

I started on three a day, and then went down to two a day. I now just have one when I feel like I need a little boost! They come in amazing packaging, and perfect to throw in your handbag for a snack on the run. They not only taste great, but they’ve worked wonders for my milk supply as soon as I began. I couldn’t be happier to have a local brand that supports milk supply & my breast feeding journey.

You can order these bars online. You can also add additional milk supply boosters to your basket, from Their most popular bar pack orders are their 12 packs and their SOS booster packs. Mrs Milk also launched a new flavour, MORINGA & Green Apple! I can honestly say this is my FAVOURITE flavour! It’s delicious, and my favorite flavour. It’s almost sweeter, and not as strong in tasting! I love the original, but this my personal favourite.


Stress is a killer for milk supply. I have to admit that with little sleep, being so busy, and being away a lot — I have been pretty stressed. I’ve tried to take more time-out sessions when things are getting hectic: like a bubble bath with candles before bed. Obviously, mom life doesn’t always allow this. At least, try be kind to yourself, which I keep telling myself. Crying over spilt milk (excuse the pun) / or lack there of, is not going to help milk supply. Breathe in, breathe out, and exercise — even if’s a long walk everyday with the stroller.


Jungle Juice – NOPE! You thought this was coming didn’t you? It’s not exactly on my list. I received over thirty comments about weight gain. And you know how I feel about excessive refined sugar that doesn’t even full you up. The sugar contents are scary. But, based on the ingredients, I’ve been taking the following as there’s a reason why it’s part of the original recipe: Cal-C Vita, Rescue Remedy, Blackcurrent Rehydrate sachet, and a ton of water. Water brings on milk, and I know how bad I am with my water intake. Breast milk is 88% water.

But, with saying this, I know some people do still highly recommend this. So, I received an alternative “BOOB JUICE” Recipe from Robs at Flourishing Fit Moms, where it’s a lot watered down to decrease the sugar intake. I’m guessing rescue remedy, cal-c-vita and sugar-free rehydrate can be added.

Recipe: “2l of water, about 2 thirds of a cup of berry elixir tonic, 1 rehydrate sachet and then your drops of both alfalfa and fenugreek. With those drops you can probably do like 20-30 of each I think. I literally would just shake the bottle around until I felt like enough had gone in. If you have the alfalfa tonic and not drops then I think it’s like 30mls or something. Basically what ever the bottle says.”


Yup, less of the pink GNT’s, vino, and champagne! Because alcohol causes the body to dehydrate. This definitely played a part in me coming home from the wedding with boobs looking and feeling like empty tea bags.


I didn’t mind oats for breakfast anyway, but this seriously seems to help. Every morning oats is on the menu, in addition to my Mrs Milk Oat Bars — which also contain rolled oats.


This came highly recommended by a lot of mama’s. It’s pumping over and above feeding or expressing. Simply put, it’s pumping even if there is no milk coming out, but you’re just stimulating the breast and mind to think it needs to supply more milk. If you have a single pump, like me (I use the Medela Harmony), then do ten minutes on each side (twenty mins total), take a five minute break, and then repeat another two times. It’s exhausting, and takes long. BUT, you won’t need to do it for long before you trick your body. A double pump has a different formula, so just google ‘power pumping.’


Yup, no matter what we do, if we not emptying our boobies every feed then our body will think it’s making enough – and won’t make more. So, if Livvy misses a feed or I’m out and someone bottle feeds her – I need to still pump like she was feeding. Something that’s seriously been my issue, and it’s just pure laziness. I didn’t pump enough while at the wedding, and I often run errands and skip a feed/ pump because I’m in such a rush.


The following was highly recommended to me: moringa leaf tablets, fenugreek (as in Mrs Milk’s lactation bars) mixed with apple juice to help with the taste, carmien nursing tea, lots of rooibos tea, and prolak.


Please note that this is a prescription drug. It’s used for anti-anxiety BUT its said to bring on lactation - which isn't a lie. With the combination of the above, it really did work for me. I’ve heard it doesn’t agree with some, and being a schedule five anti-anxiety drug, it’s pretty hardcore. I also heard it can cause one to feel hungry and gain weight, as most anti-anxiety tablets have this side effect? I’m not sure about this yet but I know it’s breast feeding safe.

One thing I did learn, was that if you start it — you have to take it everyday. If you want to stop, you have to wean yourself off because you’ll be an emotional wreck. When I tried it, I stopped cold turkey and I couldn’t work out why I could turn on the tears faster than my toddler!

If you prepared for such a drug, you can get a box of these from your Gynae or GP to start taking as soon as baby is born to assist bringing in your milk.

Comment below if you have any other tips that have worked for you!

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