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10 tips to help your picky eater

By Dominique Puglia

One of the most challenging parts of parenting can be getting your toddler to eat a variety of healthy food. From one year of age it’s common for children to become picky eaters and thus be very selective in their food choices. Whilst frustrating, this is a normal stage of development where they start exerting their control and independence. Remember you are not alone in this struggle, many parents are dealing with the exact same thing!

In order to make this phase a little easier for both mama and child we have listed a few tips to help your picky eater be more open to trying a variety of food. An important note is to always exclude any food intolerances. If you suspect your child has an intolerance please seek the guidance of a paediatrician or paediatric dietitian. 

10 Tips to help your picky eating child

ONE ☝️

Be a positive role model. Often family life is busy and children eat their meals alone. This means they are not being exposed to seeing the eating behaviours of others. This is really important as young children will often be more open to trying new foods if they see others enjoying their meal. Try eating together as a family as much as possible and let your kid see you embrace and enjoy fruits and vegetables, giving them the confidence to try them too!  

TWO ☝️

Most little kids love to help in the kitchen! Encourage your children to help with meal prep. Allow them to choose some healthy options at the shops and prepare them together. Being involved in the food process encourages children to try the meals they have helped prepare. 

THREE ☝️Remember that you are in control. What your child eats is completely up to you. Prepare the meals you want your children to eat. Often parents land up making multiple different meals to tailor to the individual needs of each child. Prepare one healthy meal for the family only and don’t be persuaded into making some different when they don’t want to eat. Rather cover your child’s meal if they refuse it, store it safely and when they say they are hungry in an hour or two then offer the same meal again. Persistence is key! 

FOUR ☝️Be patient. It’s sometimes can take 15-20 attempts for a child to accept a new food group. Try not to get frustrated as this can lead to tears for you both of you and can create neophobia for your small tot which means they become fearful of eating or trying new foods. 

FIVE ☝️Another helpful tip is to make meal time exciting and FUN! Get creative with your plating. What about making a funny face with your vegetables? Creating a positive, fun upbeat environment will encourage your child to eat! 

SIX ☝️Sometimes it’s just easier to plonk your children in front of the tv after a long day. But in order to aid more enthusiastic eating, all distractions should be removed during mealtimes. This includes iPads, tablets, television, books etc 

Meal time shouldn’t last more than 30 minutes. So use this time wisely! 

SEVEN ☝️We all know children love to snack. Unhealthy snacking throughout the day can lead to full tummies which does not have a desirable impact at meal time. Instead of giving children processed snacks like chips, juice etc rather offer healthy snacks at set times so that the still have an appetite for their main meals. Also filling up on milk or other fluids before a meal is not ideal, rather offer a beverage after they have eaten. 

EIGHT☝️if you are super concerned about nutritional intake then you may offer your child a supplement. Pediasure is a lactose free milk supplement which contains over 28 vitamins and minerals. Consider giving your child a glass of Pediasure between meal times (not just before) until you feel they are getting their necessary intake of fruit and vegetables.

NINE ☝️Remember that unless there is a medical issue your child will not willingly starve themselves. Parents are often worried that their children won’t eat but they will when they are hungry. 

TEN ☝️If you are really struggling and your child is experiencing failure to thrive, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, vomiting during meal times or an inability or pain during chewing then seek the help of a specialist. 

In summary, you are NOT alone! Whilst the journey of picky eating can be frustrating, remember it is a normal phase of development for many children. Always remember that if you have any concerns you should seek the guidance of a health care professional you trust. Be patient, be a good role model, involve the littles and make eating fun.

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